It has been 3 days since beta test for RO2 announced. Everyone's having fun and trying to level up his or her character to lvl 30 to get those permanent headgear! :3. Definitely there's some of you choose to become swordman and decide to take the noble Knight's road! But do you know what's Knight? How do we play? perhaps not! In order to help those guys in need, I made this guide~
The identified "Main Tank" of RO2,Knights fight in close combat and are heavily suited in strong armor.Once ordained as an honorable Knight they become members of the Knights of Prontera where they can learn powerful skills."For justice and Honor!" is the cry Knights use for discipline as they try to become a good role model for others.A Knights superior strength in foundations and leadership is a tremendous asset to the Kingdom of Prontera.
Oh oh, so basically , Knight is a tank! so what STATS should I go for????
Well in my opinion, your should add your stat according to this:
40 str
40 vit
8 agi
40 STR
30 VIT
Rest are agi (since basically 10 vit will only grants you 60 more hp.)
STR - increase your Phy. attack and your parry rates
VIT - Increase your HP
AGI - Increase your dodge rates and critical rates.
so now I know what stats should I go for, how bout SKILLS?! I don't want to screw up and end up buying scroll skill reset? D:
This is my supposedly-in-future build:
This is my in-plan build:
Swordman Skill
Bash 5/5
max this skill since it is your everyday skill!
Head Assault 5/5 or 1/5
Max or leave this at lvl 1. your choice!
Provoke 1 /5
aggroing monster. leave it at lv 1
Battle Orders 5/5
need to say more? 10% str baby! max it!
Aura Strike 5/5
Definitely max this. This will be one of your main attack.
Wide Provoke 1/5
just leave it at lv 1. Not as effective as your pots! XD
Armor Aura 5/5
this is a MUST have skill for Knight. 300% agrro, 20% more hp. need to say more? MAX this!
Sword Aura 1/5
lalala~ baka~ leave it at lv 1. lol
Magnum Break 0/5
don't bother spending your precious point here~
Battle Manual 0/5
same as above~
Knight Skill
Aura Mastery 2/3 or 3/3
go for 3/3 if you have extra skill points
Concentration 0/3
a BIG NO-NO. you're a tank, there's no point increasing damage taken. *sigh*
Aura Heal 0/3 or 3/3
max this if you want to heal yourself. Though, I recommend to leave this as 0/3 since even with full epic equipment, it only heals you up to 300 hp.
Shield Charge 1/5
Shield Boomberang 1/5
Just to agro/kite monster. leave this at level 1.
Aura Shield 5/5
Max this. reduce 20% damage taken for 10seconds. will definitely come handy when party dungeon / raiding!
Shield Boomberang Mastery 1/5
Grand Cross 3/3
your one and only AOE skill! max this! XD
Shield Cannon 5/5
the most powerful skill you'll ever have. MAX IT!
Shield Bash 1/5
just leave it at lv 1. This is to knockdown monster for 3 sec. Definitely useful in pvping
Shield Fortress(5/5)
your party buff. works greats!
Well, I know that it's hard when you screwed up with your skill, but hey, no pain no gain!
So, uhm. another question! how 'bout EQUIPMENT?!
Well, before you're hitting lv 50, I suggest you using any type of equipment. just get some green and blue, here and there. When you're lvl 50, try to join Hard Dungeon Mode for cool blue equipments and Raids (PVP arena and Bapho raids) for epic equipment!.
ONE LAST QUESTION! I saw there's card slot in my character's screen. what does it do and what CARD should I put in those slot?
Well, basically those card slot are for used to boost your stats. at lv 1, you have 1, at lv10, you'll have 2 slot and so on.
Well, in my honest opinion, you should use whatever card that increase your str/agi/vit but at lvl 50 I suggest you go with Raider Snatcher Card x 5 (THIS IS FOR LVL 50)(it boost your vits +12 and other stats +6).
There you go folk! HOPEFULLY, this guide will help you in your journey to become the best or one of the best Knight in midgard! Till we meet again!